Not all lenders are created equal, so it is important to never assume that one lender will have the same rules and regulations regarding online auto financing as another lender. For example, many lenders allow for borrowers to obtain auto loans for new and used cars without any sort of down payment, but not all lenders do this. Some lenders have very strict down payment regulations which specify the amount of money a borrower must put down on the purchase of a car. Other lenders have no application fee or origination fees, while there are some lenders who charge not only an application fee and an origination fee, but who also tack on prepayment penalties and other costly fees. The point is to never assume that a lender will do things a certain way simply because that is the way you are accustomed to other lenders doing things. Always read the fine print, and if a lender does not do things the way you want them to then move on to another lender. Buying a car is expensive enough; you shouldn't pay extra fees if you don't have to.
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